Monday, April 26, 2010

Family Photo

We are family!!! I got all my sisters with me!!

As you all know, my family and I are very close. And this weekend we found a way to capture that close bond. All 11 of us gathered together to take a big, ole family picture to give my mom for Mother's Day. We hired a fantastic photographer and met at a beautiful outdoor location. We even came up with a great way to coordinate our outfits so we looked like we came right out of a magazine!!

We were able to break out into smaller groups to get all the girls, all the boys, my sisters and I, the inidividual families, just the kids, etc. It was so wonderful!!! I cannot wait to get the pictures!! I makes me so happy to know that no one blinked an eye at the idea of coming into town, scheduling naps for the little ones, finding the perfect shade of green shirt to cooridnate with everyone, etc so that we could do this.

It's times like these that I have to hold on to so that I can make it through the day sometimes. When the world is getting me down, I know there will be someone at home to pick me up.

I never thought being close with my family was unusual, but as I got older, I realized how rare our situation is. My parents have been happily married for 35 years, I have a great relationship with both of my sisters (even though one is insensitive and the other is a diva......hahaha...just kidding!), all of our husbands get along great and the 3 grandchildren are the cutest little things in the world!!! Wild, right?!?! nice as this all sounds and as true as it is, we're totally our own little circus. Two granparents, 4 parents, 1 married couple without kids, 3 kids, 3 dogs.....and a partridge in a pear tree. Yes, we can give the Ringling Brothers a run for their money. But....they're my family and I would rather be flying with the greatest of ease with them than sitting safely in the stands on my own.

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