Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Ton of "Firsts"

Hello Bloggers!!! Long time, no talk. Although my life has been pretty low key for a while, recently there have been a ton of "firsts" for Mackenzie.

The first "first" was this weekend when she went to ther first wedding. The brother of a friend of mine got married this weekend and Mackenzie blew everyone away!! She was passed around while we took pictures. Everyone commented on how cute she was and how well behaved she is!! We couldn't help but enjoy being the proud parents! (Pictures to follow later.)

The second "first" is that Mackenzie had her first sleepover WITHOUT me! She was totally fine. Me?........I was a little nervous, but I made it through ok. After the wedding we were planning to just go home, put Mackenzie to sleep and watch a movie. However, we knew a bunch of our friends would be hanging out afterward (and we would love to join them). Luckily, Mimi and Papa asked if we needed a sitter. We thought it wouldn't be bad if we just took her to their house to put her to sleep and then we could pick her up later. Well, when we were deciding what to do after the weeding, no one was really up for a bar and our house was the next best option. We love having our friends over, so we asked my parents if we could just leave her there for the night. It was kind of last minute, but they were up for it and we were very grateful!! (I barely slept 6 time I need to be better mentally prepared.)

The last "first" is that after almost 5 months of Mackenzie drooling constantly, she actually has a tooth coming through!! It's on the bottom front and coming in beautifully. I've tried getting a picture, but she keeps sticking her tongue out when I try to pull her bottom lip down. She is too cute!!!

She is growing up so fast!! It's kind of sad and exciting all at the same time! As soon as I get a picture of the tooth I'll be sure to share it with everyone.

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