Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Best Mates

I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world because I am blessed to have a TRUE best friend!

As we ended the first week back to the everyday routine after the beach I looked forward to seeing my "best mate" Brandy. She and I have known each other for about 10 years now. We meet in college and really got to know each other while we were both Resident Assistants in a female freshmen dorm. She is now living in Europe attending medical school. With the 6 hour time difference and limited travel opportunities, we haven't been able to see each other much for the last 3 years. She does come home about twice a year and we always manage to squeeze in a visit. She came down this weekend and we had a great time!!

I took Monday off, just to have the extra time we always want. We stayed up late every night, talked, watched movies, ate, drank, visited with family, went shopping, just all the things you do with your girlfriends. She shares my addiction for the ab fab British soap opera, Coronation Sreet, so we watched some recent episodes and she caught me up on the drama. (I swear, we talked about the characters as though they were real people we knew.)

She retold her exciting and hilarious adventures in Rome, Italy where a creepy Italian man tried to kiss her while she was at the Vatican and Edinburgh, Scotland where she did a pub crawl with some cute atheltic type. I'm totally jealous of all the traveling she gets to do - she's been to almost every country in Europe. I don't wish to be attacked by creepy Italian men and I am married to my own cutie from Scotland, but I would LOVE to travel like that, so I live vicariously through her.

Through all the chatting and laughing we decided that we should round off the weekend with nothing better than a box of do-it-yourself at-home hair dye. My "honey" highlights turned out a bit more like platinum blonde, so we had to tone it down with an all over color of medium brown. Now it looks like I have a wonderfully natural auburn color highlighted through out. I love it!!! It's so natural and subtle that no one said a word about it at work today. (Not sure how I feel about that.) As far as we could tell, her color (thankfully) turned out okay...whew!!! (I don't really have much, or any, hairstyling talents.)

It was a wonderful weekend of spending time with an amazing friend! We have so many good times in the past and a million to come in the future. She is like a sister to me. We don't have to talk everyday and as soon as we see each other, it's as though no time has passed and we can pick right back up from where we left off. I hope that everyone is as lucky as I am to have a best friend like Brandy.



  1. Man I'm sad now that I missed everything!!!! Brandy I love you and wish I could've visited with you as well!!!

  2. Ok so I am in the library reading this and have to leave so I can have a good cry!!! I am truly blessed to have you as my best friend and also for the extended family!! I love you all and look foward to Christmas!
