Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Organic or Non-organic? That is the question.

Ever since I got pregnant, and even before then, I knew I wanted to try to give my baby the healthiest food I could. I'd always heard of the benefits of organic, but didn't really jump on board until I got pregnant. I decicded I was going to make it a priority to give Mackenzie only organic baby food and really try to find local organic meats and veggies for Chris and I.

However, organic food is definitely more expensive and now there are all these studies saying that organic isn't nutritionally better than conventional food. So I decided to take it upon myself to unearth the TRUTH about organic food and spread the word to all......basically, I googled it.

I skimmed the links and clicked on the links that "looked good." (You all know what I mean and you do it too., don't deny it. You can't explain it, but some links just "look" better than others. Like you just know their information is going to be more accurate or widely known.) Now, in the time I have been searching, I have found it very frustrating. Most of the studies are several years old or have no date to reference at all. And really, I just see one website that states organic food has not been proven to have an increase in nutritional value and another one that says it clearly does have more nutrients. Errrr?!?!?

Even with all the science and nay-saying, I am still very drawn to the idea of organic food. Have I been sucked into the ultimate conspiracy to steal consumer's hard-earned dollars? I am following the uber cool fad just because others say its healthy? I'm trying to be diplomatic and unbiased. I can't knowingly spend the money for something that may or may not have any real benefits to our bodies, the environment or animals, but I really want to give Mackenzie the best beginning to a healthy life.

I will prevail!!! Constant Vigilance!!! I will continue my tireless search for the FACTS about organic and hope I end up armed with the knowledge to make a well-educated decision to choose organic or non-organic.


  1. You crack me up!!! You know how I feel about this topic. I go back and forth . . . on payday I'm determined to stay the organic course. At the end of the month a $5 Little Ceasars pizza will work just fine for this family.

  2. Maybe talk to Shelby. I think she has done some research on orgainc food so she may be able to guide you in the right direction. Other than that.... good luck!!!! You can do it!

  3. By the way, I suggest you prep Lil Mack for some much needed kisses, hugs and cheek pinches from her Aunt Caiti for next weekend!!!
